Monday, 11 January 2010

Section 3- Woody

OK- don;t know if you'd seen Woody's section in the original dvd, but it was carefully edited to Stutter by Elastica. Well apparently Justine Frischmann wrote personally to Youtube to prevent her music be associated with 'that'. So it was posted mute on google.

Rather than a silent section i decided it would be better with a suitable audio replacement. Even if i couldn;t take as long painstakingly matching every move to the beat and co-ordinating the music- it could still have something ROCKIN that would capture woody;s HARDCORE riding and spirit. So I took youtubes recommendation....

I'm hoping that sending this world wide will make the original dvd version a limited edition rarity with values far higher than it can possibly cost to produce, but in the mean time here is the long awaited re-mastered Woody section from Get Your Guns Out...

Woody still lives in brighton and has most recently been shredding the gnar on a snowboard, on a brighton golf course. Honest- conquered a kicker on day 1..


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GYGO teaser...

Minimix tape- soco 2007