Monday, 25 June 2007

a sunny day at the level with owen...

not many pictures coz we went and got drunk instead, the 2nd one down is a 540 by the way. and happy birthday to lewis for yesterday.

Saturday, 23 June 2007

im getting old.

its my birthday on sunday if anyone is about after 4, as im working!

Tuesday, 19 June 2007


Charge guns, hit streets (or level) tonight yo? yeah didn;t get very far what with the rain and all, but heres a photo of adam shredding at the week end instead!

Monday, 18 June 2007

BMXing is DED

51 miles

3.5 hours

top speed 43mph

flashed by one speed camera at 38mph!


Saturday, 16 June 2007

Pedal till my legs fall off again....


Is there a riding party happening tom?

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Sponsor Me

For those of you i haven't nabbed at the level yet, click on the link below and give the British Heart Foundation your hard earned pounds for me completeing the London to Brighton, this weekend:

Sponsor Me PLEASE

In the process of training for the event, I managed to go 41 mph - it was sweet!

While I'm here I thought that I'd post some pics up like everyone else. Enjoy and don't forget to Sponsor Me PLEASE

Pink slip..

Sorry Matt didn;t you get the memo- you're off the team! Er no I don't know about team members, under permissions everyone is guest so should be the same! AND- in that tailwhip nose pick, has woody got his guns out?

photo of matts guns:

also... come you're all in "team members" and i'm not?

yes it worked!`

have that modern technology...ha!

more picccccccccs

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

cant be real

looking at all the pics it actually looks like we all ride all the time!
haha what a lie!
wheres the camera man when im getting rad?? I feel left out!

some pics init. feeeeeeeeeeel meeeeeeeeee!

woody is also a pussy, and you told me your pin number the other day so i'm going to steal your card and rob you.

Monday, 11 June 2007

Street ride Tuesday, Yes PLEASE! call me up baby.


Ian's a pussy....

oh, and Jo Says BMX sucks, skateboarders are much cooler!...

London launch!


Tuesday street ride sounds good! Hope Ian is up for it- check the london sequence, everything going well until frame 4!

rick james bitch!

street ride soon after work?!?!
this tuesday???

Thursday, 7 June 2007

I'm up, i'm on line, an my guns are charging. feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel meeeeeeeeeeee.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

alright si

how's it going?we need to get more folk on the thing don't we?

GYGO teaser...

Minimix tape- soco 2007